Add small table to a cell with sparkline in Excel

For example, it is very difficult for Management to review the performance from raw data table as it is. Is there a way to make the data more easily interpretable?

excel add small table to a cell with sparkline

To do it in Excel, here is the answer:

a) Select the cell to the right of last column for first employee. Under "Insert" tab, click on "Column" in "Sparklines" section.

excel add small table to a cell with sparkline

b) "Create Sparklines" dialog box pops up. Enter / Select the range of data for first employee (AI3:AO3) and then click OK.

excel add small table to a cell with sparkline

c) A small trend chart is introduced in cell AP3 that is far easier to interpret than reading through data in cells from AI3 to AO3.

excel add small table to a cell with sparkline

d) Copy cell AP3 and paste from AP4 to AP12 to add the charts for the remainaing employees. Charts are added as shown below for every employee.

excel add small table to a cell with sparkline


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