Database functions dvar, dvarp, dstdev, dstdevp

Assuming the following data.

Year Quarter Profit Criteria
2011 1 1000 Quarter Profit
2012 1 2000 2 >500
2011 2 1340
2012 2 3400 Quarter Profit
2011 3 2345 1 <3000
2012 3 4500
2011 4 6000 Quarter Profit
2012 4 10000 4 <>5000



Excel Function DVAR

The DVAR() function is used to calculate the variance of a column from a database.

The calculation is based on a user defined condition.

The syntax of this function is as given below:


DVAR() Formula
2121800 =DVAR(L4:N12,"Profit",O5:P6)
500000 =DVAR(L4:N12,"Profit",O8:P9)
8000000 =DVAR(L4:N12,"Profit",O11:P12)



Excel Function DVARP

The DVARP() function is used to calculate the variance of a column from a database.

The calculation is based on a user defined condition.

This function can include text and other Boolean values in the selected field unlike DVAR, where only

numbers are taken into account.

The syntax of this function is as given below:


DVARP() Formula
1060900 =DVARP(L4:N12,"Profit",O5:P6)
4000000 =DVARP(L4:N12,"Profit",O11:P12)
250000 =DVARP(L4:N12,"Profit",O8:P9)



Excel Function DSTDEV

The DSTDEV() function is used to calculate the standard deviation of a column from a database.

The calculation is based on a user defined condition.

The syntax of this function is as given below:


DSTDEV() Formula
1456.63996924429 =DSTDEV(L4:N12,"Profit",O5:P6)
707.106781186548 =DSTDEV(L4:N12,"Profit",O8:P9)
2828.42712474619 =DSTDEV(L4:N12,"Profit",O11:P12)



Excel Function DSTDEVP

The DSTDEVP() function is used to calculate the standard deviation of a column from a database.

The calculation is based on a user defined condition.

This function can include text and other Boolean values in the selected field unlike DSTDEV, where only

numbers are taken into account.

The syntax of this function is as given below:


DSTDEVP() Formula
1030 =DSTDEVP(L4:N12,"Profit",O5:P6)
500 =DSTDEVP(L4:N12,"Profit",O8:P9)
2000 =DSTDEVP(L4:N12,"Profit",O11:P12)


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