Information functions: cell, errortype, info, islogical, isna

Excel Function CELL

The CELL() function is used to find the information about a specified cell in the sheet.

The information can be anything ranging from formatting, colour, contents and so on.

The syntax of this function is as given below:

Value CELL() Formula Comment
A $A$10 =CELL("address",L2) gives the address of the cell
2 1 =CELL("col",L5) give the column number of the cell
Hello Hello =CELL("contents",L6) brings out the content
-34 1 =CELL("color",L8) confusing name, only detects special format #'##0.00;[Red]-#'##0.00
-5 1 =CELL("parentheses",L9) detect special format (#'##0);-#'##0 with parentheses for positive numbers
L 15 =CELL("row",L11) gives the row number
m l =CELL("type",L12) Returns "b" empty cell, "l" for label if the cell contains a text constant, and "v" for value if the cell contains anything else.



Excel Function ERROR.TYPE

The ERROR.TYPE() function is used to return an integer specifying a particular error.

The syntax of this function is as given below:

ERROR.TYPE(error value)

Value ERROR.TYPE() Formula
#DIV/0! 2 =ERROR.TYPE(L20)



Excel Function INFO

The INFO() function is used to obtain information about the current operating environment. You will get information about the directory, files, the operating system

This function returns a string containing the information.

The syntax of this function is as given below:


INFO() Formula
C:\Users\Goldorak\Documents\ =INFO("DIRECTORY")
Windows (32-bit) NT 10.00 =INFO("OSVERSION")
Automatic =INFO("RECALC")
pcdos =INFO("SYSTEM")



Excel Function ISLOGICAL

The ISLOGICAL() function is used to determine if the supplied expression or value returns a logical result.

That is, if the result is TRUE or FALSE?

This function also returns a Boolean TRUE or FALSE.

The syntax of this function is as given below:





Excel Function ISNA

The ISNA() function is used to determine if a "#NA" error is obtained.

This function returns TRUE if the #NA error occurs, else it returns a FALSE.

The syntax of this function is as given below:

ISNA(value or expression)

ISNA() Formula
False =ISNA("#NA")
True =ISNA(#N/A)
True ISNA(VLOOKUP(H67,I60:I63,1,TRUE))
False =ISNA(J64)


You can find similar Excel Questions and Answer hereunder

1) How to find the cell address from the column number in VBA

2) How can I activate a routine when there is a change in value of a cell?

3) Can I add a small chart to Table data to make it visually appealing and easy to interpret?

4) Vlookup to return multiple values in same cell in Excel

5) How do I know which cells on the worksheet contain Conditional Formatting?

6) I have a macro that takes a lot of time for execution - how can I keep the user informed that the macro is running?

7) One of my formulas has returned an error - how can I trace the error to fix it?

8) How do I enter a formula in a cell using VBA (using Relative Reference)?

9) information functions na na type isformula

10) How can I identify all cells with Data Validation in my WorkSheet?


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