Vba dynamically add series to chart in Excel

For example, I already have a chart ("Chart1") of Sales data for Q1-2016. When Q2 Sales data becomes available how do I add it to an existing chart using VBA?

excel vba dynamically add series to chart

To do it in Excel, here is the answer:

  1. Option Explicit
  2. Sub AddChartSeries()
  3. With ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart1").Chart.SeriesCollection.NewSeries
  4. .XValues = ActiveSheet.Range("BU5:BU9")
  5. .Values = ActiveSheet.Range("BW5:BW9")
  6. .Name = ActiveSheet.Range("BW4")
  7. End With
  8. End Sub


a) Line 3 - Adds a new series with range specified in "Line 4 for X-Axis Labels", "Line 5 for Y-Axis Values" and "Line 6 for Series Name".

Result after Macro execution:

excel vba dynamically add series to chart


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